March 9, 2009


I also wanted to talk a little bit about trends that are HOT right now....first up Bangs....

*Centre part Bangs....or as I like to call them....Disney Bangs!!! Grown out a bit longer than their side swept sister, these bangs are a great way to change up a look without sacrificing length on the rest of your style. Easy to do and gorgeous these bangs are fresh, flirty and fun...and hey, that's what spring is all about right?

Penelope Cruz

*Side Swept Bangs......these have been around for awhile but are still as HOT as ever!!! Easy to do and a great way to add elegance and softness to your face! Now allot of clients think because they have finer hair or a cowlick that this look is not achievable....quite the contrary's all about how you style them....come in and have us show you how to get this look working for you! And remember bang trims and styles are always complimentary! Just call 687 SEXY!!!

Carrie Underwood

I also wanted to chat a bit about Hair seems things are all over the map these days....from big, voluptuous waves to sleek pin straight hair...and everything in between! LOVE IT....versatility is key these days! Here are a few looks that I am LOVING right now! Really...isn't it all about the LOVE after all???


Kate Beckinsdale

Jennifer Anniston

So that is all for today...a little food for thought. Remember that your hair is the accessory you wear make sure you LOVE it!!! Great hair makes for a great day!

Until next time, Hugs and Kisses,


March 2, 2009


Hey Y'all! Just wanted to do a quick post (like I promised ;)) Im asking for everyone to keep there ears and eyes peeled for amazing talent for the salon. If anyone knows anyone who may be looking for a change of salon please ask them to email me, Dean at

That's it for now....just a quickie ;) That counts right????
